How can Value Contribute to Local Communities?

Real estate values spill over into the surrounding area and mirror the value of the wider region.
When a luxury brand opens a store in an area, the value of the surrounding area increases and stores of similar nature gather in the vicinity.
Quite simply, that is how brand districts have been created (including intentionally).
Buildings influence city blocks, which in turn influence larger city blocks, which in turn influence the city level.
The local brand formed in this way in turn affects the city blocks, which in turn affect the buildings.
The sudden intrusion of an alien object into a well-rounded cityscape can diminish the brand of the city itself and reduce the value of the region as a whole.
On the other hand, there are cases where the city becomes a point of interest, such as when it becomes a tourist attraction.
Regions that promote regional revitalization and tourism by preserving the streetscape usually use ordinances to bind the shape of buildings in order to maintain the uniformity of the streetscape and to maintain the brand.
Local residents’ understanding of regionalism.
What seems more important, however, is not so much the quality of the real estate. However the understanding of the local residents about the local character.
In today’s society, both people and goods are in flux. The reality is that the ratio of original residents in the community is decreasing, the population is aging. And there are concerns about the resources to maintain the community in the first place.
My parents’ house borders a traditional townscape preservation district. And the historical landscape is still preserved, but many of the residents, including my parents, are elderly, and their children, including myself, have left the town and return home several times a year for a few days.
I fear that the town will eventually be hollowed out, and although only the buildings and streetscape will remain, there will be no one left to understand the significance and concept of the town and protect it. I am not sure how much effort the government will put into this.
Values are interrelated. We need to consider measures to increase the value of each individual and at the same time increase the value of the whole.