施工会社と資産区分 – Construction Company and Asset Classification
Construction Management – A工事、B工事、C工事というのは何となく聞いた事があっても、不動産にあまり関わらない方は、実際良く分からない方が多いのではと思います。この工事区分の表現は日本独特のようですが、責任区分や資産区分の考え方としては汎用性のあるものです。
工事履歴管理の重要性 – Importance of construction history management
原状回復工事との関連 – Related to restoration work

Construction Company and Asset Classification
Construction Management – Many people have heard of “A construction,” “B construction,” and “C construction,” but those who are not involved in real estate may not really understand them. This expression of construction classification seems to be unique to Japan, but it is a versatile way of thinking about liability classification and asset classification.
Construction work A is construction work performed by the owner at the owner’s expense. Construction work to be renewed by the owner because the common facilities in the building have become obsolete is A construction work.
Work B is work to be performed at the tenant’s expense, but the construction company is designated by the owner. For example, even for internal tenant work, fire prevention, air-conditioning, and electrical work may have a risk of spreading to other tenants and the building as a whole, so the owner will assign a construction company to the tenant that is familiar with the building.
C work is work that is neither A work nor B work. Specifically, the tenant brings in an interior decoration company that has a relationship with the tenant to do the work inside the tenant’s building at the tenant’s expense.
The owner bears the cost of the A work and the tenant bears the cost of the B and C work, so the assets from the A work are recorded by the owner and the assets from the B and C work are recorded by the tenant.
The owner can easily manage the history of the A work because the construction documents remain with the owner, but because tenants change, the history of the B and C work is a little more difficult to manage. However, since C work is mainly done by the tenant’s subcontractors or affiliated companies, in some cases, the owner may not even know the name of the company.
A common occurrence is that when a tenant removes a portion of the ceiling for interior work, unused wiring is revealed. If the owner does not have the construction history, he or she will not know without interviewing the construction company. However, if the wiring was done as part of C work (e.g., TV common listening system, wiring, LAN wiring, etc.), no one knows whether it is a building-wide facility or a facility left behind by the previous tenant.
Importance of construction history management
To avoid the above misfortunes, it is very important to keep a construction history.
A construction project will (and should) automatically leave construction plans, estimates, drawings, and construction reports with the owner. It is important to manage them centrally.
Since B and C work is ordered by tenants, the above documents will remain with the tenants, but the owner must obtain and keep information from the tenants on what kind of work is being done (or has been done).
In many office buildings, I believe the scheme is that the owner approves the tenant’s construction work. Even if it is C construction, there are many things that may affect other tenants, such as entry of construction workers, delivery of construction materials, removal of industrial waste, generation of noise and odor, and presence of temporary security (sentinel). If there is no problem, the owner will give approval.
Usually, this approval is clearly stated in the lease agreement, and the tenant is expected to properly carry out the agreement.
Related to restoration work
Construction B and C are tenant assets and are obligated to restore the property to its original condition. When a tenant vacates the property, it must be removed cleanly and completely. When the restoration work is completed, the owner generally checks the work plan for B and C work submitted in advance, which is helpful. A work (A condition) indicates the “original condition” and the result of B and C work is the “current condition. Since the restoration work is to “roll back” to the original state what was done in the B and C work, it is necessary to
(1) Are the items installed in the B and C construction works removed without fail?
(2) Is it equal to the A work (A condition)?
Note that (2) describing the A condition is generally referred to as the “credit standard”.
In a building, A construction, B construction, and C construction can be complicated. In addition, depending on the owner’s strategy, there may be cases where the B and C construction work is exempted from the obligation to restore the building to its original condition. I would like to write about this separately, but first of all, it is important to properly manage assets and liability classifications on a regular basis by ensuring that the construction history is kept (and if possible, properly “managed”).