ABC工事とビル投資戦略 – ABC construction work and Building strategy.
About ABC construction work. ABC工事の種別や内容については前回の投稿で説明しましたが、本記事では、ABC工事とビルの投資戦略について書きます。これは主に、原状回復工事と、ビルのグレードアップ工事に関わるものです。
賃貸借契約での技術的チェック事項 – What to check on leasing contract.
- 貸方基準が明記されている(内装仕様、設備仕様、平面、断面等)
- 原状回復条項が明記されている
- 工事区分が明記されている
B工事指定の重要性 – Importance of B construction designation

ABC construction and Building strategy.
The types and details of ABC work were explained in the previous post, and in this article we will write about ABC work and building investment strategies. This mainly concerns restoration work and building upgrade work.
When a tenant and owner enter into a lease agreement, the “rental” (also known as “rental basis”) of the rental unit is specified. The contents of the “rental method” are mainly related to the use of the rental room, such as interior materials (wallpaper, paint, flooring, carpeting, etc.), facility configuration (air conditioning, electrical, plumbing, etc.), ceiling height, size, door position, and whether there are steps or not. The method of clarification may be by lists, drawings, or photographs.
The important point is that the “rental side” is, in principle, the specification of the restoration work. Ideally, nothing more than if the rental unit is returned in exactly the same condition as when it was rented. The tenant has completely fulfilled his/her obligation to restore the room to its original condition, and the owner can rent the room to the next tenant as is (without any work).
On the other hand, the restoration work will be either B work (ordered by the tenant, construction company designated by the owner) or C work (ordered by the tenant, construction company of the tenant’s choice). However, if the lease agreement stipulates that C work is acceptable, the owner must fully confirm the quality of the restoration work. This is because, even if a first-time construction company takes charge of the restoration work, it may not always be possible to restore (technically) to the original quality (at the time of the contract).
In some cases, a construction company that has a close relationship with the tenant or a construction company in the same group as the tenant performs the restoration work, and the property is handed over (or forced to hand over) without satisfying the required quality. From the owner’s point of view, they would like the restoration work to be completed to a certain level of quality, even if they have to redo the work, but on the other hand, they want to focus on the next leasing process or have time constraints, etc., which may lead to a situation where the restoration work is not as good as expected.
On the tenant’s side, there may be a feeling that they have done what they had to do. The root of this problem lies in the fact that the lease agreement does not properly stipulate the rental standard and the restoration clause.
What to check on leasing contract.
- Lending standards are clearly stated (interior specifications, equipment specifications, floor plan, cross section, etc.)
- Restoration clause is clearly stated.
- Construction category is clearly stated.
When concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to confirm from a technical point of view that the above items are covered, even if it is troublesome.
If the tenant is left with ambiguous information, there is no way to fight the tenant.
Assets have continuity. However, it does not continue at a constant level, but rather, it will continue with a gradual downward slope over time. If the lease agreement is not executed correctly, this downhill slope can lead to a precipice. And from directly under the cliff, the descent will continue.
Importance of B construction designation
Common facilities such as elevators, water tanks, and firefighting equipment that form the foundation of the building, as well as exterior walls, exterior structures, and rooftop areas, are usually classified as “A” construction (i.e., areas that tenants do not touch). The owner owns the property, but the tenant has the right to use the property. The only problem with the lease agreement is if the tenant damages the A asset. If the elevator is damaged by the tenant, the tenant will be responsible for the repair cost, but the elevator is still the owner’s asset. However, the elevator is still an owner’s asset and there are almost no cases where this is disputed.
B. Construction is the most difficult part to handle. The decision to specify or not to specify is based on the extent to which the owner can anticipate the risks of the part that tenants will be exposed to. However, from the tenant’s point of view, there is a point where the construction cost will inevitably rise, and although it is good if this is made clear at the time of contract, there are not a few cases where tenants get into trouble when they move out and want to request a construction company they have a relationship with to do the work. If it is only a dispute, but the C-construction company accidentally causes damage that affects the owner’s assets or the entire building’s facilities, the worst that can happen is that restoration (with the required quality) may be impossible.
It is difficult to envision such a case in advance, but it is possible to consider the possibility. In addition to the lease agreement being accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, the key point is that the lease agreement should be written in such a way that both the owner and the tenant can “mutually” avoid the ultimate risk. This is because the tenant’s risk is also the owner’s risk.