How to Create and Show Value – 価値の生み方と見せ方

When I was a student, I majored in urban planning, and my theme was the compatibility of townscape preservation and tourism. It was decades ago, and in retrospect it was a poor thesis, and I was amazed that my professor let me graduate, but now I strongly feel that the ideas I had then are the basis of my current work.
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “townscape preservation”? Probably, it means preserving historical townscapes in their original state, and there are many such places, large and small, including Kyoto, Nara, Hakodate, Takayama, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Kanazawa, Kawagoe, Sawara, Tsumago, and so on. The concept of correctly preserving the so-called form and shape of a town based on historical research is the basis of townscape preservation, but I believe that this can only be achieved with the voluntary cooperation of local residents.
This is because, for those of us living in modern society surrounded by a variety of equipment and devices, living in old “inconvenient” buildings can be a burden on social activities. If the townscape is a stage-written townscape like Disneyland, it is still an extraordinary task to preserve the townscape while the local residents live there.
The most important reason for preserving a townscape is to use it as a tool to revitalize the area from the viewpoint of human economic activities. If the historical value of the townscape cannot be utilized (i.e., it does not generate various benefits), local residents may be less motivated to voluntarily preserve it.
In a well-known and prosperous tourist destination, tourist assets are well preserved, and services such as souvenir shops, restaurants, tourist information, and lodging facilities are developed, resulting in a large profit for the town, which is then returned to the local residents, leading to their attachment to the area and motivation for further utilization and development. It is a virtuous cycle. There must be many tourist destinations that have been hit hard by infectious diseases, but I believe that such areas will revive sooner or later.
On the other hand, there are many cases, especially in regional cities, where the population has been drastically reduced and the percentage of elderly people has been increasing, resulting in the rare tourism assets being left untouched and becoming so-called “remote” tourist destinations. Although it is necessary to examine why young people are leaving tourism in the first place (it is not simply because they have little attachment to the region or because they cannot earn enough money. In reality, hollowed-out tourist areas have fallen into a negative cycle of damaged tourist resources, reduced attractiveness, regional stagnation, and further exodus of human resources. This is not something that can be easily corrected.
What is important is for local residents to become aware and self-aware of the “value” of the region.
Even if they cannot do anything on their own, they will cooperate with each other to do something about it.
A long time ago, the hurdles to making an area presentable as a tourist destination were quite high. The cost of renovation, maintenance of streets, preparation for business, advertising to appeal to the public, etc…. However, what I am focusing on now is that in order to develop and promote as a tourist attraction in today’s society, the above skills that were once naturally required are not as important as in the past, but rather, I feel that there is a shift toward “how to show” and “concept” utilizing the Internet.
More specifically, the boundary between “tourist attractions” and “non-tourist areas” is becoming blurred, and the development of the Internet seems to be widening the gap between what people used to believe was “the charm of Japan” and what they perceive as “the charm of Japan”. In other words, foreign people are beginning to notice things about Japan that Japanese people did not notice before. Moreover, this may be due to the (seemingly) unintentional posting of short movies.
I think it can be said that there are still “gemstones of value” buried here and there.
The Internet has dramatically developed the method of communicating value and appeal to the entire world. We live in an age where anyone can be both a sender and a receiver right now. In any case, if we leave the big guidebooks behind, and realize that we may (or may not) be making judgments of good or bad based on the information that is cut out of the small screen at our fingertips, then we should focus on how we can dig out the gem of value and how we can promote it, and wait for the “buzz” to spread. It may be a shortcut to wait for the “buzz” to spread.
The term “tourism DX” is now in vogue, and I think it is necessary to take an approach that goes beyond the digitalization of existing tourism resources and think “seriously” at times about “how to create and show” value in this Internet age.