「価値」の引き渡し / Transfer of Value
Value and Contract.
「価値」は誰のものか / Whose value is this.

Delivery of “value”.
The essence of a lease agreement is to deliver value from the owner to the tenant in the form of space, business (or residential) opportunities, and the ability to conduct business (or residential) activities there. In other words, the lease contract is a delivery (or return) of the value that should be there, at the rent that should be there. In this case, the lessor and the lessee usually confirm and have a common understanding of the original state and the current state (these are strictly different) based on the lessor’s standard, and the lease contract is concluded based on mutual agreement, and it should be so. The reason we think “it should be so” is that there are not a few cases where this is not the case, and it can be a source of trouble. If the borrower produces more value than the lender anticipated, it is rare for it to show up as a problem (although the lender may notice and bite the hand that feeds it, but the modern world favors the borrower). The problem arises when the borrower feels that the value of what is being offered is less than the value the lender had assumed and that he or she has been grabbed. The reason why I wrote “felt” is because it is difficult to measure the absolute value quantitatively at present, and a large part of the value relies on a person’s senses. If there is an error in the contents described in the lender’s standard, it is a “defect,” and naturally, measures such as requesting improvement or adjusting the rent will be taken (ideally, this should be mutually confirmed in advance to avoid such a situation). However, it is unfortunate for both parties that the defects that they did not notice (or feel) at the time of preview, explanation of important matters, or contract, are felt after the handover. As an example, let’s say you signed a contract for a prime location in front of a station, but the sales and visitors were not as great as you expected. On the other hand, the tenant may wonder if the space is really worth the 10,000 yen per tsubo it is worth, or if he or she has been misled by the owner. The next round of rent negotiations is likely to be a bitter one. The result will not be very happy. The owner is only in the position of renting out a certain space at a certain rent, and is not providing the value of making the business there successful, and has no obligation or duty to do so. However, if we recognize that the essence of a lease agreement is the delivery of “value,” we can change the way we look at lease agreements. If this is the essence of value, then “room,” “space,” “specifications,” and “facilities” are merely formalities. Even though it is unreasonable to ask owners to go that far, if they think that far when considering lending criteria and construction categories, tenants will be pleased with the results, and the relationship will continue. In layman’s terms, this means “standing on the user’s side.
Whose “value” is it?
As in the world of systems, applications, and consumer electronics, the terms “product out” and “market in” are often used. Product-out is a situation in which the creator has strong ideas and aims and creates something that does not match the user’s needs. Market-in is the opposite, in which the creator tries to be as objective as possible about the user’s needs and provide products that match them. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but I think it can be said that both perspectives are important when it comes to lease contracts. Words such as “corporations that want to start a small business,” “adapting to today’s teleworker-centered society,” “providing housing suitable for a life in the 100-year age,” and “choosing an office that will help you succeed” are often used in advertisements. In addition, this is not just about the time of contract, but from the perspective of property management, it is also important to consider how closely we can accompany our clients’ business and life from the time they move in to the time they move out. This is because we believe that property management protects not only “our” but also “our clients'” value.