All New Property Management with Value Objectivity

What determines the value (in other words, the amount of money) of real estate and movable property alike?
Simply put, it is “the balance of supply and demand.
Under the market principle, what is demanded becomes more expensive, and what is not demanded becomes cheaper.
Also, what exists in abundance becomes cheap and what exists in scarcity becomes expensive.
However, this is a generalization, and there are some things, such as iPhones, that exist in large quantities and sell at high prices.
The iPhone sells at a high price even in large supply because it has established a solid brand (Apple is the only brand in the smartphone world that has established a brand, and it is an oligopoly in that there is “no other choice”).
The same is true for real estate. Real estate that is needed by many people will be expensive, and real estate that is not needed by many people will be cheap.
If the land or building you (your company) own is needed by many people, it can be sold or leased at a high price.
Many owners use trend data published by real estate companies to negotiate when revising rents, but trend data evaluates trends in mid-range areas such as Otemachi, Minato Ward, Kobe City, and Sendai City, and does not evaluate “individual properties”.
This is because “the conditions are equal in the sense that neither the evaluator nor the evaluated has a definite scale”.
The agreement is reached with the granularity of information that “the vacancy rate has recently dropped in Shibuya and the need is increasing.”
There is also the option of obtaining an ER, but it is costly and time-consuming, and the technical evaluation can only contribute to a very small portion of the overall valuation of the property. We believe that assessing value is such a difficult task.
If an owner has specific information about the “real” value of their property, it is a weapon.
If the owner has data that the value of the building (including needs) is substantial, he or she can disclose that data and negotiate with the tenant for an increase in rent. If the data is lower than expected, the owner may decide to maintain the status quo.
The key to this “data” is how objective it can be (i.e., convincing to both parties).
Such objectification of value should also provide a unique opportunity for owners to reevaluate the potential of their assets.
Assets that are not sought after can be determined whether to let go of them prematurely or invest in upgrading.
For assets that are sought after, strategies can be devised on how to keep and improve their value and increase their competitiveness.
PROPUP’s goal is to help property owners develop precise strategies by objectifying value.